Last Updated: Aug 02, 2023     Views: 211

We regularly adjust the locations of our physical collections (books, DVDs, and more) across our library system. We also regularly conduct analysis of our collections (both print and electronic) to ensure balanced, inclusive, and accessible coverage that aligns with the curricular and research needs of the JMU community. 

As our collections managers have analyzed and planned for the future of our physical collections, they considered a wide range of factors, including:

  • Usability of our physical collections, especially wayfinding
  • The need to support multiple types of space uses across our library system, including studying, collaboration, teaching, research, reading, attending events, staffing the library, and locating and browsing books
  • Cost of professional collections movers
  • Modern shelving options, including compact storage
  • Collection growth needs in the future
  • Multiple modes of collections searching and access, including online search, virtual browsing to support the discovery of ebooks as well as print collections, physical browsing, and delivery
  • Data on the use of our collections

Based on our analysis of these and other factors, we developed a phased plan for moving collections safely and efficiently. 

The first set of moves, which concluded in February 2023, brought some of the collections to their interim locations for the duration of construction.

These moves help prepare us for the future of our library system. When the expanded Carrier reopens, books and journals on the arts, humanities, and literature will be together in Carrier Library, while books and journals on business, engineering, health, math, sciences, social sciences, and technology will be united in Rose Library. Music Library collections will remain unchanged. Learn more about the locations of collections when Carrier reopens.


Learn more about the Carrier Library renovation and expansion.