The library owns copies of JMU dissertations and JMU masters theses. The library does not actively purchase dissertations from other institutions, but some are republished later as books or may otherwise be in the collection.
You have a few ways to access dissertations:
- If you know the title of the dissertation and/or its author, use the JMU Library Catalog or Library Search and search for the title and/or the author.
- Most JMU dissertations will be available on JMU Scholarly Commons.
- If you would like to search for dissertations and don't already know which dissertation you want, you can search in the database called Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global. This requires a JMU login.
- If the dissertation you want is not available in the Catalog, Library Search, or JMU Scholarly Commons, you can request the dissertation through Interlibrary Loan.