JMU has a school-sponsored membership to the New York Times. All students, faculty and staff can create accounts for unlimited access to and the mobile/tablet apps.
- Open this link: (Note: you may need to try different browsers to make this link work. Or you may need to log in via VPN if you are off campus.)
- If prompted, log in with your JMU eID and with Duo.
- Click Create Account
- You should see the Create Account form shown at left.
Use your JMU email address to create an account. This will be your username.
- Click Create Account
- Your account expiration date will display with an opportunity to add a reminder to your calendar when its time to renew.
- Click Go to to begin reading
All NYTimes user accounts will expire after four years from the date the account was created. To regain access, users can access the link above and repeat the registration process.
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