JMU has a school-sponsored membership to the Financial Times. All students, faculty and staff can create accounts for unlimited access to the Financial Times online and the mobile/tablet apps. Follow these instructions to create and activate your Financial Times account.
JMU also has access to the Financial Times through a few databases. Here is guidance on how to accomplish common activities using Factiva:
How to Browse Today’s Headlines
- Go to the Libraries’ home page
- Select the Journals link beneath the Library Search bar
- Type “Financial Times” into the search bar
- Select the first result: Financial times (London, England : Online)
- In the Get JMU Access > Online Availability section, select Factiva available from 1/2/1981
- If prompted, log in with your JMU eID and with Duo
- You will now see all of the Financial Times articles, but they are listed Relevance order based on Factiva’s algorithm.
- Select "Sort by: Most recent first" in the Sort by dropdown (see below). Articles are updated continually.
How to Search for Articles on a Topic
- Follow the above steps for accessing the Financial Times
- On the Factiva page for Financial Times results, Select "Modify Search" to open a search box to enter your terms
How to Share an Article with other JMU members
Use this tool to create persistent links to articles in Factiva that can be posted in Canvas or shared with other JMU users. Factiva's structure does not allow you to copy a link directly from the database.
Create a link to an article
1. In Factiva, find your article and copy the "Document" number located at the bottom of the article.
Created using code adapted from the University of Missouri Library.