Answered By:
Last Updated: Feb 28, 2024     Views: 94

Our Ask the Library service can help you find what you need from our collection of 1.6 million ebooks!  

To find ebooks on your own, you have two options: 

  1. Browse our online ebook collections

  1. Search our catalog for ebooks by following these steps: 

  • Visit our Library Catalog

  • Enter the title of the book you want or the topic you’re interested in. 

  • Select the magnifying glass icon to search for your title or topic. 

  • Narrow down the search results to show only ebooks: Go to the Modify Results section of the search results page. Select Available Online. Scroll down and select Books. Then select Apply Filters. Your search results will reload. The reloaded results should show online books or ebooks related to your title or topic.  

Other places to get ebooks: Your JMU JACard gives you access to a huge collection of ebooks through Massanutten Regional Library!