Click on Journals to search for the journal title from the Libraries homepage or access it from this link.

For this example, we'll use the Journal of Business Ethics. Under Get JMU Access, it shows we have online access to this journal through several databases: EBSCOhost's Business Source Complete, JSTOR, and SpringerLink.

Review the description under each database to see what years are available to read online. For this journal, the longest continuous access is through the first database listed, EBSCOhost's Business Source Complete. It has online access back to 1982. Access through SpringerLink starts later, in 1997.
Notice that the access through JSTOR is subject to an embargo, meaning that articles from the most recent four years are not available. Using the Libraries' JSTOR access is often best for reading older articles.
What if JMU Libraries doesn't subscribe to a journal?
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service for requesting articles and other materials that are not available in any JMU Libraries collections. We can retrieve the articles you need within a few days -- and sometimes within just a few hours! All students, faculty, and staff with a valid JMU e-ID can use Interlibrary Loan services.
JMU users can also try installing browser plug-ins for LibKey Nomad, Open Access Button and/or Unpaywall. These plug-ins may be able to locate an open access version of an article to download and review.
If you are interested in requesting that JMU Libraries subscribe to a journal, contact your Liaison Librarian.