How do I Prepare Canvas grades for MyMadison?


Transferring Grades from Canvas to MyMadison Tutorial

At the conclusion of each semester, instructors at JMU need to enter student final grades to MyMadison to keep students’ learning records consistent. The Canvas Learning Management System provides a space outside of classrooms for students to interact with the course content, community, and instructor. Therefore, students’ grades in Canvas need to be transferred to MyMadision to make them official records. The tutorial below explains step by step how to accomplish this if a large class of grades needs to be transferred from Canvas to MyMadision.

Step 1- In Canvas gradebook, check the Total column. It should show a letter grade beside the score. If not, see step 2. Otherwise, go to step 3.

Step 2- To enable letter grading, go to Settings from the course navigation menu on the left. Then scroll down and check the box beside Enable course grading scheme. (Please refer to the Canvas information about how to modify the Grade scheme if this is new to you.)

Then press Update Course Details.

Step 3- Go to Grades and click on Export.

Step 4- Click on Export Entire Gradebook, a .csv file will be downloaded to your computer. Then open it with Microsoft Excel.

Step 5- In the opened file in Excel, only keep the SIS User ID and Final Grade columns and remove the unnecessary columns.

This is what the file will look after the modification.

Step 6- Delete the heading row of SIS User ID and Final Grade to look like the picture below.

A screenshot of a calculator

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Step 7- Go to File and click on Save As.

A screenshot of a computer

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Step 8- Select Comma Separated Values (.csv) to save the file as a csv format.


A screenshot of a computer

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Step 9- The saved file is ready to be uploaded to MyMadison.


Please request a consultation or instruction session, with key phrases Canvas Gradebook to MyMadision, call (540) 568-6799 or email us at


Version updated by Zhenhuan Henry Yang and Almothana Matarneh, April 2024

  • Last Updated Aug 23, 2024
  • Views 1284
  • Answered By Eric Hansen

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