How do I create and grade a TurnItIn assignment?


Create an Assignment

TurnItIn is JMU’s plagiarism detector within Canvas.  To enable TurnItIn on an assignment, you will want to create an assignment.

Edit Submission Type

After creating an assignment, you will need to edit the submission type of the assignment to Online.

Choose Type of Online Submission

Selecting “Text Entry” and/or “File Uploads” will allow you to enable Plagiarism Review.

Enable TurnItIn

The Plagiarism Review option is located below Submission Type and Submission Attempts.  Change the drop-down bar for Plagiarism Review from None to TurnItIn to see the comparisons you can make to check for plagiarism.  Leaving these settings to default should be fine for most cases.

Save Assignment

Select Save or Save & Publish once you are done editing your assignment.

Interpreting TurnItIn in the Gradebook

TurnItIn will display a grey box when TurnItIn scores are processing.  That will change to blue, green, yellow, orange, or red depending on how much of the document TurnItIn believes has been plagiarized. Learn more by consulting this Interpreting the Similarity Report page from TurnItIn.

TurnItIn in the Speedgrader

Viewing a student’s TurnItIn submission in the speedgrader will display a percentage for how much of the document TurnItIn considers plagiarized.

Viewing the Originality Report

Clicking on the percentage will bring up the originality report on TurnItIn’s website.  You can view where TurnItIn says plagiarism occurred, how much, and from where the source for that Plagiarism may have come from.  For more information on navigating TurnItIn’s website please refer to their Feedback Studio Instructor page.


  • Last Updated Feb 14, 2024
  • Views 924
  • Answered By Eric Hansen

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